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The manuscript MUST be submitted using the TEMPLATE FILE. Please click HERE to download it.  


The template must be strictly followed in order to avoid rejection due to inappropriate manuscript format. 


Also, an identification formulary must be submitted alongside the manuscript. Click here to download it.



In submitting an article to JAPHAC, the corresponding author, on behalf of the authors:


a) Certifies that he/she is authorized by the co-authors to enter into these arrangements, and that the group of researchers comprise the sole authors of the manuscript, and that no part of it nor any work based on substantially similar data has been submitted to another publication.


b) Certifies that the manuscript is original, and that the authors have taken due care to ensure the integrity of it. Also, the manuscript has not been published in any other peer-reviewed journal or under consideration by any other journal, either completely or in parts, and does not infringe any existing copyright;


c) Agrees that the article, if accepted for publication, shall be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. and data included in the article shall be made available under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver, unless otherwise stated. 


JAPHAC accepts papers in Portuguese and English. We encourage authors to submit manuscripts in English (preference for American English), in order to increase the number of potential readers and citation.


Submit your paper by sending it to


JAPHAC offers translation and Proof-reading services for recently submitted manuscripts or for papers already in editorial process.

Authors should contact the Editorial Office to request pricing information at


Inadequate level of english writing can be a rejection criteria without peer-review. 


Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they are original, are not under consideration by any other publisher, have not been previously published in whole or in part, have not been previously accepted for publication, will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is reached by JAPHAC Editorial Board. Moreover, the following standards must be observed:


  • Authorship: collaborators who provided significant contribution to the study should be included and detailed at the end of the manuscript.

  • Originality and plagiarism: JAPHAC uses plagiarism softwares to check all submitted manuscripts. Values above our adopted limit (20% - excluding references) may result in rejection without peer-review.

  • Ethics statements: research papers with animals or humans must mention the approval of an Ethics committee and its code, and a PDF version of the approval letter must be sent with the manuscript. Papers may be rejected if these documents are lacking.

  • Publication of data in scientific events: if parts of the manuscript were published in national or international events, these must be mentioned in the "conflicts of interest" section. If the publication was released as an electronic preprint, this should be mentioned as well.

  • Errors in published papers: If significant mistakes are found on the published paper, the correponding author must notify JAPHAC to provide the correct version of the paper.


JAPHAC receives papers in Portuguese and English. We encourage authors to submit manuscripts in English (preference for American English),

in order to increase the number of potential readers and citations.


A cover letter must be prepared. It must state that the material is original research, has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration, ad a brief overview of the topic should be presented. It must also indicate any conflict of interest.



About References: 

References should be prepared in AMA (American Medical Association) style. PUBMED offers the citation style for most articles.

They should be organized in the order that they appear in the text, in a numeric sequence in order to ensure proper citation.


>>> A total of 50% of the references must have been published up to 10 years prior to the date of submission of the manuscript <<<

References are not included in the word count.


About Citations:

Citations in the text must be written numerically in square brackets, such as [2] or [2, 3-6] . Author-date citation standards are not accepted.


About Figures:

Figures must be good quality (300 DPI or higher, only JPEG and TIFF formats are accepted). Figures and tables should be put in the text and also prepared as separated files. The subtitles of tables and figures will not be included in the word count of the manuscript.


Authors should conform to nomenclature, symbols, abbreviations and procedures adopted. SI units are preferred; if more commonly used units are adopted, conversion factors should be given at their first occurrence. All abbreviations should be defined the first time they are used.


JAPHAC requires that the conditions under which human and animal experiments are performed are consistent with recognized standards. Authors must make it clear that the procedures they used were as humane as possible and complied with the guidelines for animal care of their institutions or with national/international guidelines. Studies involving human or animal subjects must be carried out with the formal approval of an Ethics Committee, and evidence of such approval must be provided on submission (*.jpeg or *.pdf digital copy of the approval letter). Secondary data such as prescriptions, formularies and databases researches are also included in this rule.


The Editor in Chief, members of the Editorial Board and independent experts will review the submitted manuscripts. However, the Editor in Chief reserves the right to reject a manuscript without conducting a review if the manuscript does not meet the criteria of acceptance for publication.


The corresponding author is notified by e-mail when the editor decides to send the manuscript for review. By policy, referees are not identified to the authors, except at the request of the referee. Conceptually similar manuscripts are held to the same editorial standards as far as possible, and so they are often sent to the same referees.




How to organize your Manuscript:


JAPHAC adopts the following sections for manuscript preparation: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Contribution of the Authors and References. Below we provide some tips on how to prepare each section.


Abstract: An abstract is a concise summary of the whole manuscript, not just the conclusions. The abstract should not be divided in sections, and must have from 200 to 250 words. They should convey the following:

1. An introduction to the work. This should be accessible by scientists in any field and express the necessity of the experiments executed

2. Some scientific detail regarding the background to the problem

3. A summary of the main result

4. The implications of the result

5. A broader perspective of the results, once again understandable across scientific disciplines


In Review and Original Articles, the abstract should be prepared in a non-structured way, with a limit of 250 words. Abstracts should not be prepared for Communications and Perspectives articles. It is crucial that the abstract convey the importance of the work and be understandable without reference to the rest of the manuscript to a multidisciplinary audience. Abstracts should not contain any citation to other published works. Please include at least 3 key words for your manuscript. Manuscripts submitted in English should not have abstract in Portuguese.



Introduction: The aim and scope of the investigation should be indicated, and relevant findings of previous works on the subject should be briefly presented.


Materials and Methods: The experiments should be described in sufficient detail to enable other workers to use the given techniques.


Results and Discussion: Results should be concisely presented, preferably in tables or graphs. The use of both tables and figures based on the same data is not permitted. Tables and figures must be incorporated into the main text. For the discussion section, the results obtained should be considered critically, both on their own and in relation to the findings of others. Care must be taken to avoid repeating information already presented in the Introduction or Results sections. Results and Discussion are presented as a single section from edition 4(2) on.


Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of your work and their relevance. Limitations of the work should be discussed.


Acknowledgements: In this section, you can acknowledge and thank the contribution of collaborators that does not meet the criteria of authorship.


Contribution of the Authors: Authors should be identified only by the initial of their names as provided on the manuscript indicating their contribution to the paper, regardless of the type (original, review, etc). All the items below must be detailed in this section, however, other items, when applicable, might be included:


a) Study conception and design;
b) Acquisition of data (this section can be detailed accordingly to the methods of the paper,

especially when two or more authors contributed equally for the work);
c) Analysis and interpretation of data;

d) Statistical analyses;

e) Provision of reagents/resources; 
e) Drafting of manuscript;

f) Critical revision of the intellectual content;



Types of Articles:


Original Articles are complete research manuscripts that fit within the scope of the journal. Preferably, manuscripts should not exceed a total of 15 figures and/or tables, with at least 20 references. Although there are no limits of page or words, authors are required to write their manuscripts in a clear and concise manner and to include only data crucial for their final conclusions.


Short Communications are significant and original experimental and/or theoretical results that fit within the scope of the journal, but are not enough for the preparation of full manuscripts. Authors are asked to write their manuscripts in a clear concise and non-structured manner, and to include only data crucial for arriving at their conclusions. Preferably, manuscripts should not exceed 2500 words of text and a total of 5 figures and/or tables, and should not exceed 10 references. Case reports should be submitted as Short Communications, however, depending on the subject, they may be submitted as Original Articles as well.


Translational Research  is a new format planned to provide more interactive papers on "benchmark to bedside" investigations. These papers should be of no more than five pages with text only, but may present other pages with figures and tables as it is necessary for the topic.


Perspectives (by invitation only) articles summarize the viewpoints of distinguished scientists regarding the current status and future direction of a field. Perspectives are similar in length Communications, and may be submitted only by invitation.


Reviews are theoretical papers on a particular topic, with updated and unbiased approach, providing the latest advancements of the field and sufficient evidence to support the points raised. It must contain at least 30 references, with up to 25 figures and/or tables. Translations into Portuguese should be prepared as reviews, and will be welcome provided an authorization letter from the corresponding author, mentioning the permition of all authors to reproduce the article. The journal will not accept translations without this document.


Letters to the Editor must not contain more than 5 references. Articles in this category will be subject to screening for scientific accuracy but will not undergo traditional peer review models, they require no accompanying abstract. Letters to the editor reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the JAPHAC or of the institutions with which the authors are affiliated. The Journal reserves the right to reject or accept letters for publication and to edit letters for clarity and conciseness.


Submit your paper by sending it to 





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